25 September 2019

Social partners #TogetherAtWork

Today Ceemet – European Tech & Industry Employers’ counterpart industriAll European Trade Union launched its campaign #TogetherAtWork. The campaign aims at defending collective bargaining throughout Europe.

As believer in the strength of social dialogue, Ceemet’s Director General Uwe Combüchen was invited to speak. Mr. Combüchen used the opportunity to make a strong case for social dialogue and its societal relevance.

Also the bigger picture was given when Ceemet’s #10PointPlan was mentioned.

Also some self-critical tones when Ceemet’s Director General spoke about the challenges social partners face in times of economic, societal and technological changes. The “business model” of social partners requires a review if it wants to remain relevant and able to offer solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s world of work.

Check Ceemet’s Digitalisation and World of Work report to find out what these challengers are.