27 November 2019

The von der Leyen Commission is confirmed & the EU can go back at work

“Ceemet welcomes the vote in the Parliament allowing the Commission to get to work at putting Europe back at work” – Director General Uwe Combüchen.

The European Parliament confirmed the college of European Commissioners headed by Ursula von der Leyen, the first women to hold that role. The new Commission will start its work on the 1st of December.

Commission President von der Leyen rightfully linked in her proposal to the European Council ‘social’ to ‘competition’. There is no social Europe without a competitive industry who can finance it.

Employers from the European Tech & Industry sector are ready to share their insights and provide solutions. Hence the 10 Point Plan for a comeptitive industry, sustaining social Europe.

→ 10-points.ceemet.org