28 January 2020

Skills – the European dimension of a national/regional competence

Ceemet’s Chair of the Education, Training & Employability committee Michael Stahl met for an exchange of thoughts with Chair of the Committee on Culture & Education (CULT) Sabine Verheyen (DE; EPP)

Over the past years Ceemet has been showcasing its expertise and forward-thinking attitude on education related topics with i.a. the launch of the appreciated Digitalisation and the World of Skills & Education report, the focus point 5 ‘Skills Skills Skills’ in the 10 Point Plan and industry’s input to the European Education Area 2025.

During the conversation the 3rd term Member of the European Parliament threw in her expertise as former Mayor of Aachen, in region that is known as ‘Three-Country-Point’ (Dreiländereck), when the cooperation between schools, VET providers and companies was raised and the topic of better coordination of the manifold of EU and EU co-funded national initiatives was addressed.

European Parliament’s CULT committee

Discussing about the CULT committee’s priorities the current update of ‘Skills Agenda for Europe’ was a topic that was addressed and also the importance of making Vocational Education and Training (VET) a 1st choice for learners.

The change of mindset that is required to achieve a fair and realistic view on what VET has to offer comes along with change of mindset about lifelong learning, continuous training and permanent upskilling which are a shared responsibility.

Eventually the right skills will empower people and will contribute to a successful digital transition of industry.