11 May 2023

No competitiveness without an EU industrial agenda

On 11 May 2023, the Brussels Times carried an article from Ceemet entitled “No competitiveness without an EU industrial agenda”.

This article features an urgent call from Ceemet President Rainer Ludwig for a real re-industrialisation of Europe. This call is backed up with economic data from the 2023 version of the Ceemet Chief Economists Report which highlights the challenges our industries have faced over the last decade.

The Ceemet President details the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, the energy crisis alongside the realities of the twin transition and demographic challenges as some of the main reasons why we need urgent action at an EU level. These challenges, coupled with the chronic skills and labour shortages being faced by industry, should highlight the need for a real EU level competitiveness agenda, alongside an industrial plan for Europe.

Crucially, it can no longer be business as usual with regard to legislation. We must finally ensure a proper, fit for purpose, regulatory environment for companies to face the current industrial environment.

Please find the article in full