11 February 2021

NEPSI : a social dialogue success story

Ceemet and 17 other industry sector associations joined forces with industriAll European trade union to the European Network for Silica (NEPSI). NEPSI aims to minimise worker exposure to silica in several industries.

The first European multi-sectoral social dialogue agreement of its kind was signed in 2006 with the objective to protect the health of employees occupationally exposed to respirable crystalline silica. To achieve this, NEPSI obtained the support of the Commission’s Social Dialogue budget line

Social dialogue delivering

The objective was to minimising such exposure by applying good practices, and increasing the knowledge and awareness about potential health effects of respirable crystalline silica as well as about good practices.

To this purpose the NEPSI Good Practice Guide was completely updated in 2020 and a series of tools were specifically developed to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises including an e-learning module compatible for smartphones and tablets.

Through online reporting by industrial sites of eight key performance indicators every two years, partners can monitor the state of application of the agreement. You can find the results of the latest reporting exercise in NEPSI’s 2020 summary report.

Achievements beyond the objective

NEPSI has also shown to be a valuable instrument to complement regulatory measures, including those laid down in the Carcinogens and Mutagens Directive.

Therefore the Commission refers to the project as a ‘success story’.

Once more Ceemet’s statement that “social partners make the difference” is confirmed and that a serious social dialogue, respecting social partner autonomy, is in the benefit of all stakeholders.