Position on Communication on “Enhancing the contribution of European social dialogue”

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29 December 2004
Ceemet acknowledges that the ”Partnership for change in an enlarged Europe – Enhancing the contribution of European social dialogue” demonstrates the importance that the Commission attributes both to the enlarged European Union and to social dialogue at Community level. An autonomous dialogue in the appropriate form between the social partners at inter-professional and sector level can contribute to creating a more favourable economic climate and therefore help to improve competitiveness, innovation and growth. This can then lead to improved employment opportunities and enhanced social cohesion.
  • Ceemet would like to reiterate its strong support for the autonomy of the social partners and therefore calls on the Commission to refrain from adopting any measures that could limit their autonomy.
  • As regards sectoral social dialogue, Ceemet is firmly of the view that social dialogue can take place outside of Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees and does not accept the Commission’s argument that appears to consider that these Committees are “the” only appropriate bodies for bipartite social dialogue.